We're Local!
Pepper's Foods is 100% locally owned.
We have a passion for food and are committed to offering locally and ethically sourced products.
Island Good is all about making it easy for you to find the local products you want.
Monday – Friday, excluding holidays. A minimum of $50 is required and delivery must be within a 5km radius.

Hours of Operation

Mon. to Fri. 7:00am to 8:00pm
Sat. 7:00am to 7:00pm
Sun. 7:00am to 7:00pm

Come and visit us!

We're located in the heart
of Cadboro Bay Village:
3829 Cadboro Bay Road
(250) 477-6513
We Love Students and Seniors
10% Student discount
available every day

10% Seniors discount
available Tuesdays and
(restrictions apply)

Inside Pepper's

Pepper's Newsletter November 14, 2017

Pepper's Newsletter November 14, 2017

Good morning!  Another long weekend has come and gone and hopefully you took a few moments out of your Saturday to remember the sacrifices that our Veterans and Allies have made to ensure the freedoms that we often take for granted. And prior to Remembrance Day, Pepper's celebrated another amazing Customer Appreciation Day with you, our valued customers! We had loads of people come to the store to try some of the many food and beverage samples that were on-hand, as well as fresh flowers and other goodies that were given away! Again, we thank you for your patronage and loyalty and we truly appreciate having such wonderful shoppers in our store!

Do you love your guts? Well, you should if you don't already and one of the ways that you can do this is by buying some of the many new products from Calgary's The Gut Lab! Co-founders (and sisters) Danica and Lexi have created organic superfood elixers and potions to help you create health and happiness...from the inside out! If you have hormonal imbalances, depression, fatigue, inflammation, stress or you just want to maintain your good health then these products may be just what you've been seeking. So go with your gut feeling, pick up some stuff from The Gut Lab and Love Your Guts!

Miscela noun./MISK'uh la/ italian 

Miscela is a pre-chopped blend of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices. Use it in all your meals to add a new dimension of flavours. TOP, STIR, MIX, OR COOK WITH IT! Make it your secret ingredient and take your meals to a whole new level, and do it quickly and conveniently! We have the flavours of South America, the Middle East, Italy, Mexico and the Mediterranean and you can find them in the deli cold case just inside the store entrance. 

If you're looking for a snack that's lower in carbs and one that's rich in healthy fat then look no further than Fatboys! Fatboys snacks are incredibly delicious treats made with nuts, seeds and coconut oil that are also vegan and free of gluten, soy and dairy. Using a combination of sweeteners (maple syrup, erythritol and stevia) they've created that perfect little snack, sweet enough to satisfy cravings without adding a ton of sugar. 

And lastly, we've added two new kinds of granola bars from Kashi: Seven Grain with Quinoa Honey Oat and Seven Grain with Quinoa Chocolate Chip Chia! Both provide a mix of flavourful, nutritious whole grains to help promote healthy living amd make a great go-to snack when hunger strikes. 

Until next Tuesday, take good care, make healthy choices and have a great week!

Pepper's Foods


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